periodontal Therapy

How  Periodontal Therapy Is Helpful In Avoiding Gum Disease

June 24, 2022

Dentists in Nashville can assist patients to avoid health concerns by implementing periodontal therapy. Regular dental appointments might also help you maintain track of problems that aren’t dental in nature. Dentists, for example, can assist their patients in recognizing diseases such as diabetes. Many people are unaware they have pre-existing conditions, thus this can be helpful for them.

Dentistry can also diagnose illnesses outside of the mouth, such as diabetes. Osteoporosis can even be detected in their patients by them! All of this is possible through a comprehensive examination of the teeth and gums of their patients.

Nashville dentists can assist patients to avoid health concerns by implementing periodontal therapy.

So how does it assist oral health and overall wellness, and what exactly is this therapy for? Who Is a good fit?  Keep reading to find out the answers to all of these queries!

Periodontal therapy is a term used to describe the treatment of gum disease.

Gum disease can be treated using periodontal therapy, which is a non-surgical treatment option. Without the necessity for surgery, it aims to control and manage periodontal disease The end result is that gum health is restored and tooth loss is prevented.

Are you a good fit?

For mild periodontitis, periodontal therapy is usually the first step. Gum disease has progressed to the point that at least one tooth has lost its gum attachment by three millimeters (mm). Periodontal disease affects approximately 9 percent of the population.

Gingivitis may benefit from periodontal care as well. Unlike periodontitis, gingivitis is merely an infection of the gums, not a disease of bone. On the other hand, periodontitis can develop if gingivitis is left untreated.

Moderate chronic periodontitis can also benefit from periodontal therapy, according to the findings of the study. US individuals with periodontal disease are more likely to be at this stage. A non-surgical therapy option for gum disease is now available to patients.

Involved in the Treatment Processes

Professional dental cleaning is the first step in any periodontal therapy. In other words, it’s the same kind of cleaning you’d get during your regular checkups with the dentist. The first layer of plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) are removed by this method. Those with active periodontal disease will therefore need specific treatment.


Below the gum line, plaque and tartar can form on the teeth’s surfaces. As the gums pull away from the teeth, this buildup forms. Receding gums create pockets that are perfect breeding grounds for bacteria and plaque.

Removes these buildups by “deep cleaning,” or scaling. When it comes to removing plaque and tartar from your teeth, your dentist has a variety of equipment at their disposal. A faster breakdown of hardened calculus can be achieved with the use of ultrasonic cleaners.

The Planing of the Roots

Tooth root planing is the process of smoothing away rough areas. Bacteria can be eradicated by the dentist by eliminating the roughened regions. The gums will be able to reconnect to a clean surface as a result of this.

The gums might begin to heal with the help of scaling and root planing. Plaque and tartar removal may necessitate one or two visits, depending on the severity of the problem.

Immediate periodontal therapy can cure gums. In the long run, this helps keep your teeth and jawbone healthy and robust. Early gum disease treatment helps reduce inflammation. This, in turn, helps lower your odds of acquiring other, more significant, health concerns.

Want pink, healthy, inflammation-free gums?

Our dental professionals in Nashville, TN,  can assist. If you have periodontal treatment questions, contact us.