Tmj Disorders

What Is TMJ Disorder And What Are The Symptoms?

June 15, 2022

Your jawbone is connected to your skull by the temporomandibular joint. This standard functions like a sliding hinge. Pain can be caused in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement.

It is frequently challenging to pinpoint why a person suffers from TMJ disorder. Your pain may be caused by arthritis, a jaw injury, or even genetics. Some people who experience jaw pain also tend to clench their teeth or grind them (a practice known as bruxism). However, many people have a habit of clenching their teeth or grinding their teeth and have never been diagnosed with TMJ disorders.

Most of the time, the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorders are only temporary and can be alleviated through self-managed care or treatments that do not involve surgery. Although surgery is typically reserved for cases in which less invasive treatments have been unsuccessful, there is a possibility that people suffering from TMJ disorders could find relief from surgical procedures.

Symptoms Of TMJ Disorder

Possible signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders include the following:

  1. Jaw discomforts such as pain or tenderness
  2. Symptoms that include discomfort in either or both of the temporomandibular joints
  3. Throbbing or aching pain in and around your ear.
  4. Having trouble chewing or experiencing pain while chewing
  5. Aching in the face pain
  6. The joint becomes stiff, making it difficult to open or close the mouth.

When you open your mouth or chew, you may experience a clicking sound or a grating sensation if you suffer from a TMJ disorder. But if there is no pain or restriction of movement associated with the clicking in your jaw, you most likely do not have a TMJ disorder and do not require treatment for one.

When should one go to the doctor?

If you are experiencing persistent pain or tenderness in your jaw, or if you are unable to open or close your mouth thoroughly, you should seek medical attention at Vitality Dental as soon as possible. Your primary care physician, dentist, or TMJ specialist in Nashville, TN, are the best people to consult regarding your issue’s potential causes and treatments.